
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The London Coffee House: A Social Institution by Deborah Hale

April 2003
"Remember, John,
If any ask, to th' Coffee House I'm gone.
Then at Lloyd's Coffee House he never fails

To read the letters and attend the sales."
So went popular doggerel, during the two centuries (1650-1850) when the coffeehouse served Englishmen as a composite office, club and post box. As a social institution of the 18th century, the coffeehouse cannot be overestimated.
The hot stimulating beverage, which provided this focus for sober socialization, originated in the Near East. Spreading rapidly through the Moslem world, it was gradually introduced into Europe during the sixteenth century. By 1637, the diarist John Evelyn knew a Greek scholar at Balliol who brewed his own coffee. In that cosmopolitan university town of Oxford, the first English coffeehouse opened its doors in 1650.
Two years later, a Greek proprietor established the first London coffeehouse, in St. Michael's Alley, Cornhill. Immediately and time-wastingly popular, by 1675 when Charles II closed all the coffeehouses in his realm, calling them "seminaries of sedition", their number totaled three thousand! So overwhelming was public pressure that the king rescinded his order in a matter of days. During Queen Anne's reign, London alone boasted nearly five hundred coffeehouses, each with its unique character and clientele. An amusing sketch in the Spectator records the different reactions to news of the death of King Louis XIV, at eight coffeehouses between St. James and Garraways.
Unlike the café‚ of Continental Europe, the English coffeehouse served business as well as social purposes. In Ned Ward's Wealthy Shopkeeper, 1706, his daily routine went as follows: "Rise at 5; counting house till 8; then breakfast on toast and Cheshire cheese; in his shop for 2 hours; then a neighbouring coffeehouse for news; shop again till dinner…1 o'clock on change; 3 Lloyd's Coffeehouse for business; shop again for an hour; then another coffeehouse (not Lloyd's) for recreation." Businessmen often kept regular hours at a particular house, where clients would know to find them.
Gradually, certain establishments began to attract men with specific common business interests. The Jamaican Coffeehouse drew West Indian traders, while India and China merchants frequented Jerusalem and exchange brokers gathered at Jonathan's. Garraways, in Exchange Alley, catered to the tea trade. In 1744, London's Baltic Mercantile and Shipping Exchange had its beginnings in the Virginia and Baltic Coffeehouse, an outgrowth of the Virginia and Maryland. On the vast marble floor of the exchange, shippers and agents matched vessels and cargoes in secretive deals called "fixtures".
Perhaps most famous of the commercial coffeehouses was one opened by Edward Lloyd, on Lombard Street. There, shippers sought wealthy merchants to underwrite or "insure" their vessels, in the hazardous business of sea trade. By the end of Queen Anne's reign, Lloyd's had set up a pulpit for auctions and reading out shipping news. From such humble beginning rose the mighty "Lloyd's of London".
For the struggling author, playwright or artist, a regular coffeehouse was essential to the "business" of art. Most slaved away in cold dingy garrets, but for the price of a clean shirt and a few pennies admission, they could meet clients and patrons, collect their mail, make contacts and appointments and secure commissions, in respectable surroundings. The Oxford Literary Guide to The British Isles lists no less that fifteen London coffeehouses frequented by writers in "The Age of Reason", including Buttons, Dick's, St. George's, the Somerset, the Grecian and Don Salterno's, as the proprietor, one James Salter was nicknamed by Sir Richard Steele.
Poets, patrons and critics met at Will's Coffeehouse in Covent Garden, founded by Will Urwin in 1660. Samuel Pepys looked into Will's in 1668, "there I perceive is very witty and pleasant discourse." John Dryden had his own seat at Wills, by the fireplace in winter and by the window in summer. Patronage by the likes of Congreve, Pope and Wycherly earned Will's the title "The Wit's Coffeehouse". Artists like Hogarth, Hudson and Gainsborough gathered at Old Slaughter's.
Writers, booksellers and printers congregated at the Chapterhouse. Dr. Campbell, "strolled into the Chapter Coffeehouse, Ave Mary Lane, which was remarkable for a large collection of books and a reading society, and I subscribed a shilling for the right of a year's reading and found all the new publications I sought." The young Chatterton wrote to his mother, "I am quite familiar at the Chapter Coffee House and know all the geniuses there." He was not exaggerating. When Charlotte and Anne Bronte came to London to consult their publisher, they stayed at the Chapterhouse.
As a source of respectable recreation, coffeehouses provided a venue for men of similar views to congregate, smoke, read the papers, gossip and discuss the news, over a cup of coffee or chocolate. Unlike their Continental counterparts, Archenholtz reported that English coffeehouses had no billiards or gaming tables. There was little noise, he wrote, for everyone spoke low and read the papers. The Windsor, at Charing Cross, advertised, "the best chocolate at 12 pence the quart and the translation of the Harlem Courant, soon after the post is come in." Other houses provided upwards of a dozen copies of the most popular weeklies, of which there were 55 in 1709, from the Anti-Walpole Craftsman to the fiercely pro-government Gazeteer.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Do Your Friends Call You Weird?

As a child it is hard when you’re not accepted by your peers. Most kids, if not all, want to be a part of a group or clique’ but because people by nature can be cruel, there is always a group of kids who are labeled different or weird.

They are called that because they don’t fit in with everyone else. They may not be considered cool, trendy or popular. And to tell the truth, they’re not. They don’t do what the other kids do. They are not like everyone else.

But what about you? Do your friends call you weird? They should be. You should be doing things that they’re not willing to do and are unlike the norm. Your daily actions should be different then theirs and it should be out of the ordinary.

The word weird in the dictionary means of strange or extraordinary character.

I wonder are your actions and habits strange or of extraordinary character or are you just like everyone else?

When your friends are reading sports and fashion magazines or romance novels or sci-fi books, you should be reading a lot of personal development books. When your friends are looking for a government handout in the form of a stimulus check, you should be working to have a profitable business. When your friends are rushing home to see their favorite TV show, you should be cutting off the TV and writing good content for your blog. When your friends are on the phone dishing out the latest gossip, you should be networking with the movers and shakers in your industry.

You shouldn’t be doing what is trendy or popular. You shouldn’t be doing what everyone else is doing.

Millionaires aren’t trendy people. They set the trends and others follow.

You see what you believe is true and if you think the economy is bad and you’re going to struggle, you will. But if you think like a successful person, you will look for the opportunity regardless of what the economy is doing. You will not be doing what everyone else is doing and you will act like a weirdo.

So the next time you want to fit in, DON’T unless it’s with a bunch of millionaires. Then and only then will it be okay to conform to the group. Other than that run from the crowd, be different, strange, be a weirdo.

To YOUR Success,


Friends, Family, Strangers, And Nature - Why They Are All Important To Your Health

I often talk about looking at health as a whole and part of that 'whole' is preventative measures, nutrition, exercise, and many more non conventional ways to treat ailments in your body. But 'whole' can take on a different meaning as well. A feeling of wholeness can be related to a feeling of connection; Being connected to your family, friends, strangers, humanity, the earth, and even the universe!

Compassion, caring, understanding, and patience for each other can reduce being egotistic and self centered which in turn reduces a negative outlook on life which in turn reduces stress, anger, depression, loneliness, and many other negative emotions.

This negativity can lower your immunity and wreak havoc to the nervous system among many other things as negative emotions are very stressful to our bodies and mental health.

I'm sure you have often heard that people in loving relationships tend to be healthier and live longer than people who are isolated and unhappy. It's just natural that when you feel good and positive you are able to see the happier side of life which reduces all those negative emotions.

Here are a few connections that you may want to start improving or even making to benefit your health.

Connecting With Animals

Research has shown that pets and people go hand in hand for less illness and faster recovery from serious illness. In fact, I know of many sick people who have pets that truly make every day better for them.

Pets give such great amusement and pleasure that it is hard not to be happy just watching them. They also seem to know the right moment to give you a kiss or hug that you so desperately need.

My dogs have the ability to make me break out in laughter in a split second and continue laughing until I can't take it anymore. Laughter really is the best medicine in any situation and their sense of humour should never be underestimated.

They listen to you with no interruptions and they are more patient than, for the most part, any other person you will find on this planet.

Do yourself a healthy favour and take the responsibility of owning a pet into your hands. The benefits will be worth every minute of picking up poop.

Connecting With Family and Friends

Yes family and friends can often cause a lot of headaches but they are essential to your health. Family does not just have to mean your mother and father and siblings. Family can include your friends, pets, and extended family - it can just be a group of people that you are absolutely comfortable with and able to be yourself around. Wherever it feels like home - you have family nearby.

Families should be a safe haven to run to when you are scared, feeling down, or just need help. They should be able to help you back on your feet and offer whatever they can to do so.

It has also been proven that people with a strong family network have less illness and recover from illness faster so start surrounding yourself with family and appreciate the bond that they offer you.

Connecting With the Earth

Nature's ability to heal is awe inspiring. We all feel better when we are surrounded by nature and the peace and serenity it offers us. In fact, most people have picture of nature as their screen savers on their computer just to see some beauty throughout the day!

Nature is part of us and we should be appreciating it every day.

If you are not taking advantage of all the 'medicine' this earth has to offer us then you are truly missing out on a huge, and in my opinion, necessary part of life.

Travelling can be great for the soul and most people want to escape to their favourite vacation spots for some rest and relaxation. I have never met anyone who has come back feeling worse from a relaxing vacation.

Getting out of the city and into the country for a hike, picnic, or just a few hours of reflection by a river or lake is essential to giving yourself a break from the busy and often stressful life in the city. Even a park setting in the city is better than nothing when looking for stress relief.

When you get out into nature use the direct and present calmness to your advantage by noticing the leaves changing colour at various seasons or by picking the raspberries that have just come into season. Be aware and listen to the wind blowing through the leaves or the river flowing over the rocks and really just connect with the sounds, sights, and smells that nature offers you.

Connecting With Strangers

This is important. When you begin to notice and acknowledge the people that are not a part of your immediate life then you begin to notice that the world is so much bigger than just you and that awareness can give you insights into your life which affect your outlook and happiness, which ultimately affects your health.

We are all connected on some level. We all share this planet and what it has to offer us. We all participate in making decisions that affect all of us on a daily basis. We are all connected by events or miracles that happen. We all see the same sun, stars, and moon every day and night. We are all connected.

I always say hi to strangers when I walk by them on a walk whether they say hi back or not. I find that acknowledging them gives me an awareness I may not have if I just passed them by with my head down.

Instead of just focusing on your route or tasks that only involve your life; take a few seconds out and try noticing the people around you when you are out and about. Try observing the fact that they are living lives with passions, dreams, and happiness and you will feel a stronger connection and awareness that you may have not have felt before.


How to Write a Visa Letter of Invitation

If you are interested in finding out how to write a visa letter of invitation for a guest to your country, there are many helpful resources that you can use in order to write the best visa letter of invitation that you possibly can.  One such source is at the Queen Mary, University of London's website, in the Advice and Counseling Service Section, where there is a detailed explanation on what procedures to go through in writing your letter of invitation for a friend or family member to be admitted into your country through the visa and entry service established within Great Britain.  For instance, the website at the Queen Mary, University of London's website gives the following information on writing a visa letter of invitation.  According to the site, this is what you need to put in your invitation letter:
  • the full name and date of birth of the proposed visitor(s)
  • their relationship to you (parent, friend, etc)
  • why they want to come and visit you (for a holiday, to attend your graduation, etc.)
  • how long they want to stay in the UK and, if possible, their proposed arrival and departure dates
  • where they intend to stay; if they plan to stay with you, give your full address
  • your own immigration status in the UK (for example, student until 2007)

Friends With Benefits Rules

What is the ultimate relationship I hear you ask? Some would say Friends with Benefits is! Why is it great? Great sex, no worries about commitment and no need to chase her. However in reality, things can get pretty complicated in this type of relationship. Simply because of the emotions that are stirred up when two people get it on. The emotions during any relationship and particular this type can be difficult to manage and can cause some emotional problems.

Check out these basic ‘friends with benefits rules’ to help you navigate the treacherous waters of this type of relationship!

Rule 1: No Romance
Treat her no different than any other friend, male or female, until the benefits are abound. Sure, you may be friends who are sexually attracted to each other, but that’s it. You are only helping each other to relieve some sexual tension, and if either of you start to get romantic feelings you must reassess your situation right away. You will need to discuss these feeling, otherwise one of you will end up getting hurt. It might be that both of you feel the same way, which would be fantastic. It might be that it’s just a one-way thing. It’s best to know either way, really!

Summary of Rule is: If things change or you want things to change discuss it with her.

Rule 2: Safe Sex
No excuse, take cover. It has a twofold benefit. Reduces the risk of a little you crawling around and catching something you don’t get from online games. Even if your friend is on the pill, it may feel great without one – condoms are essential equipment and she is likely to respect you more for it.

Rule 3: Remember No is OK
Men can say No too. It is ok if you need to turn down your friend. When you have intimidate time is entirely up to you as well – and the fact is that not being allowed to have you will most likely make her want you even more next time. Women are considerably more attracted to men that can hold their own and dictate terms to them.

Rule 4: Balance
Remember your balance, don’t sacrifice life! Don’t jeopardise your job, your education or your friendships because of sex – no matter how much you enjoy it. While you are not having ’benefits’ you need to actually live your life. Don’t lose track of the outside world.

Rule 5: Only when you’re Single!
The number 1 most import thing about friends with benefit rules? When single, you can sleep around with whoever you wish to. If you start a relationship you need to end the benefits! It is essential that this happens if either of you get into a relationship, however the friendship can continue.

It is okay to have friends with benefits, but rules need to be followed. Enjoy your bonus’s, you deserve them and as long as it doesn’t control your life then make the most of a great situation

Ideas To Make Your Invitation Wording Personal

A wedding invitation ought to match the style and individuality of the ceremony and the happy pair. For lots of couples, this means a traditional invitation with set wording. But, some partners feel it prudent to express themselves in a unique style in their wedding invitation. Such a thing can be achieved through the wording.

The crucial part of the invite phrasing, naturally, is the who, what, when and where. As soon as those items have been shared, the possibilities in composition are boundless. Perhaps the hardest, and yet most extraordinary, alternative is for the couple to compose the invitation themselves. Creating their personal poem or special phrase allows the couple to share their true hopes with their invited revelers. If the couple will compose their own vows, the invite could include a phrase of what they plan on saying. However, a lot of couples are not sure about writing, and certainly not something so dear to them.

If the couple decided on a wedding theme, then the invitation should share that. For a Hawaiian day, the invite could be composed in both languages. For a knight-in-shining-armor theme, the invite could be composed in ”olde” English. Another alternative is to share a big moment in the couple’s relationship. For instance, if the bride and groom got engaged on vacation, the words of the invitation could reflect the location. For a couple fond of hair-raising things such as bungee jumping, the invitation could mention “taking a leap.”

Quotes are a traditional way to personalize an invite, but a couple can easily make a certain phrase theirs with an individual line that pertains to their courtship. If the relationship has a personal connection to a particular movie or piece of music, including a line will let all invited in on the personal moment. A bride and groom with a solid sense of humor could use a line from ”Sleepless in Seattle” or “The Princess Bride.” A snippet from the song they plan to use for their first dance as newlyweds would offer a delightful continuity.

Myriad invitations use quotes from Shakespeare or Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Still, the majority of folks do not realize that Edgar Allen Poe and Emily Dickinson also composed love poems along with their drearier writings. A couple that’s concerned with the environment may find that a stanza from a Walt Whitman composition suits their needs.

A religious ceremony doesn’t have to be boring. Lots of people believe the Song of Solomon to be high on the list of the most romantic poems ever put to paper. A stanza from this section of the Bible could help a bride and groom express their beliefs and their emotions at the same moment.

Wording a wedding invitation requires that you note all pertinent details of the occasion. It also allows you to express and share your real style. No matter if the happy pair is planning for a bright and entertaining atmosphere, or a more sentimental setting, the bride and groom need to remain true to their personalities. If they keep with that, then the invitation will surely be extraordinary

Handmade Personal Christmas Gifts

Holiday season is here for many different reasons, you might decide that you will be giving personal Christmas presents to the ones you love. It could be that you have someone on your Christmas list that is very difficult to buy for. It could be because you want to express very particular feeling towards somebody that is on your Christmas presents list. Or, due to the economical situation, you want to reduce your Christmas budget buyings and give less expensive presents this year. Here are a few ideas for personal Christmas presents that you can create:

Personalized Gingerbread people

You can create gingerbread men, women, and children, and you can decorate them to resemble the person or people who you are going to give it to. By adding their initials or names on them these presents will be more personalized. That kind of personal Christmas gift is great when you are going to visit another family.

Name poems

It is not hard to make name poems and they are excellent personal Christmas presents. If you are not a good writer, you can make a search on the Web and use a poem that is already done. Only change the first and last name by those of the recipient. You can also enhance the look of the poem in different ways such as coloring and printing it on the computer or better, by printing it on paper that looks like old parchment.

Photographic presents

Photographs are fantastic tools as they let you create a good number of different personal Christmas presents. For for example, you could make a photo album of your relatives or if you are skilled, you may go for a decoration item adorn with photos. You may even create a "special friend" photo album, that has pics of you with the recipient. If you have craft skills, you could also create the photo albums from any scrapbooking kits or at home using rag board and colored paper.

Personalized Bottle Of Wine

If your friend or relative is a wine amateur, you might want to give a personalized bottle of wine. You can do this by customizing a blank sticker by hand or on your computer with the help of a graphic editing software.

With a little effort you can create wonderful and personal Christmas presents for your friends and loved ones that will be cherished for a long time. As you can see, there are a lot of wonderful and personal Christmas presents that you can create for your friends and loved ones with a little creativity

Minneapolis Personal Injury Attorney

The services of an able and experienced Minneapolis personal injury attorney has become indispensable because you may never know when you are at the receiving end of injuries in an accident for which you are not at all responsible. The other day the leading dailies in the state carried the story of a 21 year roller skates dancer who lost her eyesight after she was knocked down by a speeding truck in the late eve. There are so many fateful souls who suffer on account of the mistakes of the others. A Minneapolis truck accident attorney exists to make sure that the aggrieved parties in a road accident (who are not at fault) get proper justice and appropriate personal injury claim amount by the responsible party.

This was just an example. Accidents can occur virtually anywhere, even at the workplace due to faulty machines. In all these cases the parties who have suffered huge injuries and damages because of no fault of their own, stand to deserve justice by the law. A Minneapolis personal injury attorney only makes the process of filing the claim and eventual claim settlement a lot easier than it would have been if the aggrieved party were to go through the entire process alone and unassisted.

The cost of healthcare has risen exponentially and even the mildest form of injury treatment costs a lot of money. Why should you pay for someone else’s fault? Especially when the law of the land has made it mandatory for all the automobile owners to be financially responsible for the accidents committed due to their fault and negligence. Yes, the law requires the automobile owners to mandatorily buy an automobile insurance in order to be able to meet the minimum statutory liabilities, in the event of an accident. The party responsible for the accident compensates the aggrieved party in accordance with the guidelines specified in the Vehicle code followed by the state.

According to a Minneapolis car accident attorney, in order to get the claim as early as possible, the aggrieved party just needs to prove that the other party was responsible for the accident and that the tort threshold (as described by the State law) has been reached. Now, proving these two points without the assistance of a legal expert can be quite difficult, especially when the other party has appointed lawyers to defend his or her case.

If it is clearly visible that the tort threshold has been reached, then it only remains upon the Minneapolis personal injury attorney to prove that the accident occurred because of the fault or negligence of the other party. Once this is proved, nothing can prevent you from receiving the claim amount. The amount of claim would depend on a lot of things in addition to the total expenses incurred in treatment of the injury. The services of an attorney also come in handy while deciding the total amount of claim to be filed

Personal Development Activities To Strengthen Personal Growth And Development

There are so many personal development courses, seminars, books, etc. And they are all great. They can give you practical information that you can use. However, what are some personal development activities that you can easily do that will make major difference in your life? Read this article, and you will discover some great personal development activities.

What every your goal or desire, there are I believe 3 key areas that make them successful. The first is your confidence level, the second is your communication skills, and the third is relationships. All these 3 combine to make success. So, without further ado, let us look at the personal development activities we will look into, in this article:
* Personal Development Activities To Increase Confidence
* Personal Development Activities To Improve Communication
* Personal Development Activities To Fuller Relationships

* Personal Development Activities To Increase Confidence
Confidence is a key to success in anything. Without confidence, you can't make the call, you can't begin the communication, and you can't go to that meeting or speak to an audience of hundreds or thousands.

So, how do you increase confidence? There are hypnosis programs, such as online and in CD format, that can help. However, there are some other things you can do.

It is called staring fear in its face, and showing your war face! Fear fleas at such things, but first you must make the call. What do you fear? You may want to tackle something small and go for bigger things. A person who is scared of heights, and climbs a ladder or even better does sky diving, soon finds a new confidence.

* Personal Development Activities To Improve Communication
Communication is an essential in not only success, but also your personal growth and development. Taking time to develop communication skills is a great way to achieve more.

There are 3 exercises which I think are great at improving communication skills. First activity is to create a win - win. So, in your next communication make both of you have a win. This will also benefit your confidence as you take on a leading role of making winners.

Second is to communicate on the phone with someone, and also in person. When communicating, monitor yourself. After the call or meeting evaluate yourself, and ask yourself how you can improve. Also try adding a goal to the call or meeting. Having an objective can help you achieve much more.

The third exercise is to speak to a group. You want to cross your boundary zone. So, first figure your boundary zone - is it talking to 10 people, hundred people, or a thousand people? Then do it!

* Personal Development Activities To Fuller Relationships
A lot of people who have problems with connecting with others usually need this exercise. It is not easy, but it can make a big difference. Look in the mirror and say 'I love you'. Look in your eyes and mean it. If there is any dirt, beliefs or problems, they will come out, and you will feel much better

Is Hiring A Personal Trainer Helpful In Reducing Weight?

Personal training is the method of exercising or training using a professional professional in that specific area. You might find that personal trainers are skilled in more than one area of fitness and might provide you with an more detailed exercises routine.

The exercise advice that they supply is mostly invaluable, and also you would possibly find that an easy alter of place or addition of an exercise could make all of the difference to reaching your weight loss endeavours. Most people require personal training assistance because they are lazy. They often instances slack off and do not push themselves as exhausting as they are able to be.

Hiring a personal trainer be able to go a long way towards helping you to attain your fitness goals. He or she can ensure you exercise in a secure way, help you to develop a pleasurable and customised practice and be there to provide motivation. Personal training is one thing you must consider in case you are serious about your health goals.

Personal training may also help to cut back the period of time you spend in the fitness center as a way to acquire in shape. Many people consider that your progress is a result of the number of hours you spend within the fitness center. That's actually false, and you can get a lot more out of your workouts in case you do them at the proper intervals as well as you might be using the right weights. Sometimes you can actually be doing work out as well usually as well as your muscular tissues do not have a chance to improve. That means that you'll be sweating a lot with little to indicate for your hard work.

A typical perception is that personal training is too expensive. Is this true or merely a misconception? Let us say you really like that artery clogging quick food, the weekly trip with the kids to the sweets parlor, or maybe the occasional midnight snack could possibly be adding up extreme weight gain inflicting your heart to work tougher, raising your cholesterol level, otherwise be the start of diabetes.

There are too several further advantages that a personal trainer can bring to your life. As an example the person can offer you helpful advice on developing an eating plan that is healthy. A trainer can also incorporate exercise into your daily hectic schedule. These tangent benefits will work together cohesively to allow you attain your health endeavors. They will also allow you to have a greater quality of life

How To Measure Personal Initiative

Personal initiative is defined as a positive character trait which describes the degree of willingness that you hold and the ability to be able to take self initiated action in the pursuit of your own goals.

Personal initiative is important because everything that you wish to achieve has a specific cause that needs to be enacted to make it happen. If you are unable to enact the causes, then you won't achieve the outcome you were originally hoping for. However, if you are able to enact the cause then the effect must occur and you will receive the object of your desires.

Nobody can force to do this yourself. Initiative is a personal thing and you have to overcome the temptation to put off things until tomorrow. Often people will leave it and never get round to it. Then there are the people who will put things off and decide that they don't need to start it now and they will do it later.

Failing to initiate the actions that are required in order to achieve whatever outcome you are looking for will only end in frustration. Just think about how many people you know who are willing to wait for the circumstances to become more favorable before they agree to act.

As George Bernard Shaw said, 'People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can't find them, --- make them.'

One of the most powerful personal characteristics is personal initiative. Personal initiative is a highly valuable attribute and can be worth the most to you and your family. If you lack personal initiative then this should be corrected, as this is one blemish in your personality which could end up costing you the most.

There are four levels of personal initiative ranging from level one, someone who will do the right thing before being asked, through to level four, who is someone who refuses to do the right thing.

A level one personality is a person who will do the correct thing before being asked or before it even needs to be done. This type of person sees the opportunity to take action and is prepared to put themselves forward in order to ensure that it is completed. If the task is not done then there will be no immediate disaster in the short term. But the action may result in a huge dividend in the long term.

The action can be described as creative, preemptive, imaginative and valuable. Often people who have a level one personality will be richer, happier and more successful in life.

A level two personality is a person who does the right thing, but only in the event of being asked or there is a crisis and action needs to be taken. Level two personalities often work for someone with a level one personality, as they make good employees but not very good leaders. Level twos often don't make much money and often will be stressed out as they need to be told what to do. They often have good potential for leadership because they are able to change and activate their personal initiative at will.

A person with a level three personality will only do the right thing only if they have been asked several times or they are late and being chased. Level three personalities eventually end up getting into trouble as they often make poor employees and have to be checked and double checked.

A level four personality will refuse to do the right thing, even if they are asked multiple times and the situation has become bad. These people are almost unemployable and may often become depressed

Picking Your Personal Best Home Based Business

How can you choose the very best home based business? There are plenty of factors to think about due to the fact there are various varieties of work that can be done. You may even must think about elements like the money it may need to begin with and whether you've the relevant skills to ensure success.

Exactly what you great at? The right home based business for you will be one that uses the relevant skills you have. If you do not know how to make, starting a catering service is most likely not a good idea. Consider everything you are aware how to complete currently. Exactly what jobs perhaps you have experienced previously and what abilities did you produce while you were operating presently there? What exactly are your pastimes? Are you aware building design planes or repair a leaking faucet? They are all skills that may be converted to home based businesses.
Best Way To Make Money Online Working From Home Today

Why wouldn't you starting your home based business on your current abilities? Your very best possibility of achievement would be to make a move you currently great at. If you decide to style diamond jewelry but you haven't created a single necklace, it will take you a while to obtain great at this. There is a understanding bend for every thing. Begin a support that will depend in your current abilities to take out the understanding curve and go directly to the point where you'll be able to make some cash.

How can you get started with a home based business? The easiest method to start is by informing your family and friends about this. Let them know what you are doing and get if they understand anybody that may need your services. You may also publish leaflets on notice boards at local shops or place a magazine ad marketing your service.

Building Your Personal Resilience To Reduce Stress

"Everything can be taken from a man but one thing, the last of the human freedoms – to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances." (Viktor Frankl)

Why does developing greater resilience matter? We are all under increasing amounts of pressure both at work and in our personal lives. As these mount we can either use them as a positive spur or we might find them building up to make us begin to feel stressed. A major project was carried out in the pharmaceutical giant, GSK. They addressed resilience for both individuals and teams. When they wanted to assess the effectiveness of the project, the results were:

ü Work related mental ill-health down by 60%
ü Reported pressure due to work/life conflicts fell by 25%
ü Staff satisfaction with the company increased by 21%
ü 14% increase in willingness among staff to experiment with new work practices

Recent research suggests that the numbers of us who are feeling stressed are increasing. It depends which source you want to believe, but the general figures come out between 40 – 50% of the working population. You have some choices if you are getting caught in this trend. This article will provide you with some ideas which you can follow through and implement for yourself to be more resilient.

What is resilience? There are a number of definitions or ideas about the meaning. Resilience can be thought of as our ability to bounce back, or even grow, in the face of pressures and threats. The American Psychological Association defines resilience as the ability to adapt in the face of adversity, trauma or tragedy. The GSK project had a slightly fuller definition, especially relevant for the workplace. “Resilience is the ability to be successful, personally and professionally, in a highly- pressured, fast-paced and continuously changing environment”. If you choose to become more resilient you will find that you can handle pressure differently and will feel much better and more empowered. You will have the attitudes and behaviours of resilient people: Confidence; focused and organised; adaptable; proactive; energetic.

A key element in building your personal resilience lies in your thinking! Your thinking triggers your emotions which then influence your behaviour. Many people faced with increasing pressures will respond in a hopeless or helpless manner. If you ever find yourself with either of these feelings – it’s time to work on developing your resilience! What you need to realise is that you have choice about your thoughts and consequently your attitude and behaviour. These thoughts are an outcome of something close to your “core” – your beliefs and values. We all have a collection of beliefs including both empowering and limiting. In this context, beliefs are generalisations we hold about life and ourselves. We develop these throughout our lives, with input and influences from many of the people we encounter from parents through to work colleagues to friends. Our empowering beliefs are the “can do” messages we have, “I can do......”, “It’s OK for me to.......” and ones like that. When we are living to our empowering beliefs we will tend to be happier and feel more positive – and be more resilient when pressure builds. Our limiting beliefs are just that, they limit what we might be able to do. They are not necessarily negative because underneath them is usually a positive intention. We can recognise our limiting beliefs when we are thinking or saying things such as, “I can’t........”, “It’s not OK........”, “I must.....”, “I have to......” which will hold us back or stop us doing things.

Too many limiting beliefs will lead to feelings of hopelessness or helplessness in the face of mounting pressure. To develop your resilience it is important to be aware of the main limiting beliefs you hold – and work out what would be better to think instead. Generate some alternatives which are empowering. Remember, these are your own personal property!! You can choose what beliefs you want to have.

Another “thinking” element to understand when exploring your response to pressure is the very human habit of revisiting past experiences. The power of precedent can by strong! Do recognise, that was then, now is now! You have choice about whether to respond in the way you used to, or do you want to choose a different option? At the end of the day, your thinking will drive your attitudes to how you want to handle pressure. Your attitudes can also influence whether certain pressures will even occur, especially those generated by other people.

When pressure is leading to feelings of stress it will affect your behaviours. There will be physical symptoms which might include: poor sleeping patterns; loss of appetite; stomach problems; headaches and tension. Other clues can be in the way you carry yourself, your posture and other elements of your physiology. When feeling under pressure or stressed others may notice that your shoulders might be down, slightly bent into a “C” shape, head down, avoiding eye contact and possibly your voice is flatter. Interacting with others you might withdraw and have minimal contact, become irritable and argumentative, reacting in a hypersensitive manner and communicating poorly.

To build your personal resilience you need to recognise when any of these symptoms are happening to you. You can then choose to react in a resilient manner – or succumb to the pressure and allow yourself to begin feeling stressed. A way of achieving resilience is to apply a process referred to as cognitive restructuring.

The A-B-C model can be used to represent this concept, based on “A” being the activating event and “C” the consequences (feelings and behaviour) that occur in relation to the activating event. Cognitive restructuring concerns changing the “B” component of the model, the beliefs that occur between the activating event (“A”) and the consequences (“C”).

When faced with increasing pressure you can respond in a resilient way by applying the following ideas. Consider changing your thinking about the pressures you are facing. Keep them in perspective by using thoughts such as, “how important will this be in 6 months, 3years (or whatever)?”; “What is the worst that can happen?” A critical element for handling pressure resiliently is to recognise that it is your own thoughts about it which dictate your response – influenced by your own beliefs. So, when faced with some specific pressures learn to view them from a different perspective and accept you are in charge of how you will respond. To help you with taking this approach take control of your “self-talk”. Pay attention to these messages you give yourself as they will influence your response to the pressure and your behaviour.

A further step to take to enhance your personal resilience is to make sure your behaviour projects a positive message. Stand tall, hold eye contact when interacting with others, keep gestures to a minimum. There is a close link between your behaviour and non-verbal messages with what your internal thoughts and self-talk are doing. Even if you have some elements of doubt in your response to the pressures, get your behaviour and non-verbal messages to send out a positive, resilient message. It will help you to think differently and also be noticed by others.

To reduce the chances of becoming stressed apply the ideas outlined above and you will become more resilient and better able to handle pressure. You will feel more capable and confident and act in a more positive manner. Do remember you have choice about your thoughts and behaviours! You can be a role model for others when they are feeling under pressure. To help yourself with achieving personal resilience it is good to mix with positive, resilient people whenever you can. They can help provide you with positive energy and thoughts, which in turn leads to increasing your personal resilience.

The Different Types Of Personal Watercraft

Personal Watercraft are typically designed for the rider to either sit or stand on. Some are designed for one person, but can carry two; and now they are made in models for three and four people to ride on. They have become more popular in recent years.

Original models were stand-up watercraft, designed for one person. Now, they are a means of entertainment and water transportation capable of holding the whole family.

They have been referred to generically as WaveRunners, Jet skis and SeaDoos, which are actual models of Yamaha, Kawasaki and Bombardier. But much like the Jacuzzi was a term used for every hot tub made until it was clarified as a brand name, there was some confusion in the past.

They have no exterior propeller and are fairly easy to use and affordable. The larger models can even tow a skier or tube behind them. They get good gas mileage, which makes them more affordable than a boat to operate. They have a kill switch, and will typically circle the rider, once they have fallen off.

While they were once equipped with two stroke engines, the majority of the newer models now use a cleaner burning four stroke engine. There are still some issues regarding the safety of personal watercraft, as accidents and deaths have been on the increase with the burgeoning popularity, and many states now require a rider to be 14 years of age to ride alone.

The other negative about the personal watercraft is normally related to some of the daredevil and careless drivers that jump the wakes of larger boats, cut across in front of bigger watercraft at a dangerous distance, and drive too fast for the water conditions, such as waves, obstacles, or currents.

For the most part, the majority of the riders follow the rules and ride them safely and at proper distance from other, larger watercraft. It is recommended that riders wear life vests and neoprene suits for the safest operating conditions.

The most popular brands are Bombardier's Sea Doo, Yamaha's Wave Runner and Kawasaki's Jet Ski. All of these are similar in features, and are top sellers.

The largest personal watercraft is the Sea Doo LRV model, which is 13 foot long and 5 feet wide with 180 gallons worth of storage space, and the largest fuel tank available at 25 gallons. It has enough power to pull a skier with three riders. Bombardier's Sea Doo has 50.3% of the United States market of sit-down type personal watercraft.

Several manufacturers like Polaris and Arctic Cat have gotten out of the personal watercraft market, leaving fewer competitors, and only the strongest remain. Bombardier, Yamaha and Kawasaki still have strong sales in the most popular units, and consumers are still in love with personal watercraft for fun and transportation.

Small Loans – Avail Finance For Urgency Or Varied Personal Purposes

Small loans are perfect solution and an option that you can opt for when you need some financial assistance in the same day or for a short-term. You can find out the loan quickly in your bank checking account for urgency or for any regular personal purpose.

These loans do not require you to pledge any property for collateral. So, employed people and tenants or non-homeowners can borrow a small amount even if they do not own a valued property for collateral. You should prove your repayment capability through the documents of annual or monthly income, residential address and bank statements.

Small loans can range from as low as £1000 or less to £25000, depending on the type of loans you are borrowing. For instance and urgent cash loan will be approved and given instantly within 24 hours without credit checks. You can borrow the cash for two weeks, until your next payday. Or, you can borrow a comparatively larger amount for its repayment in one year to 15 years.

Even if you are carrying a bad credit history of late payments, CCJs, and payment defaults, you are able to borrow the amount without credit checks if you are borrowing for few weeks until your next payday. For the people in need of larger loan amount for few years, they can borrow at higher interest rates.

Small loans cater to the financial needs for home improvements, urgency, paying of smaller debts, wedding and holiday expenses and other personal purposes. You can also use the loan for improvements in your credit rating as you repay the loan in timely manner.

Take out these loans only after comparing many offers of small loans online. Settle for competitive offers of the loans for comparatively lower interest rates and ensure that you are not charged any additional payments.


Is Hiring A Personal Trainer Helpful In Reducing Weight?

Personal training is the method of exercising or training using a professional professional in that specific area. You might find that personal trainers are skilled in more than one area of fitness and might provide you with an more detailed exercises routine.

The exercise advice that they supply is mostly invaluable, and also you would possibly find that an easy alter of place or addition of an exercise could make all of the difference to reaching your weight loss endeavours. Most people require personal training assistance because they are lazy. They often instances slack off and do not push themselves as exhausting as they are able to be.

Hiring a personal trainer be able to go a long way towards helping you to attain your fitness goals. He or she can ensure you exercise in a secure way, help you to develop a pleasurable and customised practice and be there to provide motivation. Personal training is one thing you must consider in case you are serious about your health goals.

Personal training may also help to cut back the period of time you spend in the fitness center as a way to acquire in shape. Many people consider that your progress is a result of the number of hours you spend within the fitness center. That's actually false, and you can get a lot more out of your workouts in case you do them at the proper intervals as well as you might be using the right weights. Sometimes you can actually be doing work out as well usually as well as your muscular tissues do not have a chance to improve. That means that you'll be sweating a lot with little to indicate for your hard work.

A typical perception is that personal training is too expensive. Is this true or merely a misconception? Let us say you really like that artery clogging quick food, the weekly trip with the kids to the sweets parlor, or maybe the occasional midnight snack could possibly be adding up extreme weight gain inflicting your heart to work tougher, raising your cholesterol level, otherwise be the start of diabetes.

There are too several further advantages that a personal trainer can bring to your life. As an example the person can offer you helpful advice on developing an eating plan that is healthy. A trainer can also incorporate exercise into your daily hectic schedule. These tangent benefits will work together cohesively to allow you attain your health endeavors. They will also allow you to have a greater quality of life.

Personal Narrative Essay And Sample Format

Narrative essay is simply a personal story, and we all have at least a few of these to tell. Sometimes plays and movies have a narrator, a person who stands to the side and tells his or her story. The narrator describes actions as well as thoughts and feelings. For the purpose of this lesson, you are the narrator. The story you choose to write will be your narrative essay.

Narrative essay is boring unless the reader can truly "see" the events taking place and feel why they are significant. Descriptive language includes adjectives and adverbs (describing words), but also figurative language. Figurative language is language that creates images through comparisons or suggestions, such as metaphors and similes. Figurative language can be very effective in portraying people, scenes, and events.

The narrative essay is written in the first person viewpoint. Because this is your story, you can pepper it with the words "i," "me," "my," and "mine.

Personal narrative essay are to help you understanding how to write this type of essays. Strategic aim is to provide a professional essay writing help for school, college and university students. For instance, i have kept a personal journal of my thoughts, ideas, and activities in my life for at least. I usually begin mine by setting a scene that is stark and colorful and I place myself in it.

Personal narrative essay formats are presented here in a good way, and students may get the essence of all this with ease.

Personal narrative essay format:

Paragraph #1-The Introduction

1. Begin with an attention grabber that captures your reader’s interest.


Sometimes it takes something terrible to realize what is important in life.

Paragraph #2-4 Body Paragraphs-Your story

1. Begin each paragraph with a topic sentence. Begin this sentence with a TRANSITION that show the order that the events occurred (First, Later, In the end, Second, Third, etc.) and the details of your story.


The day first began like any other day.
Later that day, my sister began to feel worse and my family and I began to worry.
After a day of much distress, my sister finally began to feel better.

2. This is where you tell your story. Just like any story you read, you need to make sure to have a clear beginning, middle, and an end. Make sure to describe people and places involved with vivid details.

Paragraph #5: The Conclusion

The Conclusion is just as important as the Introduction; It is the last impression your reader will get of your story.

1. Begin by re-stressing the importance of your thesis. Be careful not to use the same wording.


Although the day my sister fell ill was a horrible day for my family, it made us all realize how important we are to each other.

2. Summarize the basic events of your story.

Reflect on the larger meaning or importance of the experience described. Basically, what was the point of your story? Explain the new understanding and why/how this experience or event has a permanent effect on you.

happy life

how to live a happy life is a very easy for most of the people but its not easy.
life is very can't be toyed around but if you toy with it you can destroy it.
so living a happy life is very important. live your life without lies that is the first step toward living a life happily.